Sick Again – Sketches and Photography

Yet another sick week. I’ve tried to write but everything feels like crap and hence, the third post of this kind. We’ve done poems. We’ve done doodles. This time I thought I’ll add a few of my favorite sketches and photos I’ve done and taken over the past four years. So here goes :

Taken during a lecture at university. I was bored.


I was having a terrible week and I needed to let out some steam. This was how I did it. Charles&Keith stilettos that I still cannot walk in. Seriously, how do women do it?!


Taken while traveling. Best of both worlds ? I was closer to the clouds than land. This picture does not do justice to the view I had.

sky and land

This is the view one has from Board Walk at VivoCity of Sentosa right before dusk. If you ever visit Singapore, you have to try and go see this view. It is the most calming thing as the sun disappears behind the buildings and the lights are turned on.


Part of my attempts at learning to draw Β human body parts. Being a self-taught artist, I am sort of proud of this.


When I bought a sketchbook, I had no idea what I could do. This was done with the help of an online picture tutorial and this is also the second sketch I had ever done. This was the sketch that made me realize that if I keep practicing, I might be a decent artist. There began the journey that has led me to four sketchbooks, two cases of pencils and large amounts of practice.


I look for the word love everywhere I can. If I can’t find it, I make sure I leave a little love for someone else to find. One such attempt.

love sand

Last but not least,Β one of my favorite photos ever, taken on an iPhone 4 with natural lighting and no edits.


Sorry you guys. I promise to make up for this with a kickass post next week.

Until then,

Sending a little love your way. πŸ™‚ ❀

21 thoughts on “Sick Again – Sketches and Photography

  1. teachezwell says:

    I am so sorry you’re not well but your post was LOVE-ly anyway! You are quite an artist! (That eye is beautiful!) And your photos are wonderful. I sometimes try to take photos that have such a special feel to them, but they never turn out like yours. You are making good use of your “down time” and hopefully you’ll be feeling well soon.

  2. shrutigopinath says:

    Poornima first of all I have to tell you that I just love reading posts with a personal touch. They talk a lot about the person writing them . I must also tell you that you sketch pretty well specially the eye . Beautiful . And also I really liked the idea of leaving a bit of love behind you know . 😊

  3. Alana says:

    Love your sketches. Love the photography. I hope you’re feeling better ❀ Glad you have found inspiration despite feeling not-so-great ❀

  4. tamarasuz says:

    You have a great eye for photography! The sketches are amazing. I love doodling – as a teacher I would always encourage my kids to doodle while I read a book to them. It really gave them focus. I am sorry you are not feeling well and hope you are on the road to recovery soon.

  5. karenchii says:

    You’ve very talented! I like the doodles and the photographs! I’m a newbie here at wordpress. Please do support me on my first few blogs. Thank you πŸ™‚ And I’d love to read the rest of your writings πŸ™‚

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